Our Mission

We believe that supporting rescue dogs requires more than just financial contributions. Our commitment to True North GSD Rescue goes beyond traditional donations. Through our "Beyond the Donation" program, we combine monetary support with hands-on volunteer efforts to make a tangible impact on the lives of rescue dogs and their future families.

When we first started making leashes, we made them for volunteers, fosters and adopters. Eventually, our business evolved and grew but we still wanted to keep the core component of contributions to rescue significant and ongoing.

True North GSD Rescue

Rescue dogs require a lot of time and resources.

an average rescue dog at a glance for 4 weeks

  • $890-1760 in cost

    Rescue dogs don't just need food and vet care. They need crates, treats, toys, beds, collars, leashes, and many more small expenses in between that add up. Adoption fees typically only range from $400-800.

  • 94 hours in volunteer time

    Not including 24/7 foster care, each dog typically takes a significant time allotment from 3-5 volunteers during an average month. This is time spent processing applications, meet-and-greets, daily care, training, socialization, and everything else in between.

Where do we come in?

Our commitment to rescue dogs goes beyond monetary donations.

Hands-on work

We are people that truly walk the walk. Each week, we typically volunteer 10-20 hours doing a variety of tasks to support True North GSD Rescue:

  • Help process adoption applications
  • Conduct home visits and reference checks
  • Participate in intake evaluations
  • Transport dogs to their furever homes
  • Attend meet-and-greets for potential adopters
  • Act as a resource for other volunteers, fosters and adopters with questions about their dog

We also have multiple foster dogs in our own home throughout the year. They become one of our pack, where they get a sense of normalcy, safety and well-being before they embark on their next journey.

upholding tradition

We continue to provide gear to the True North GSD Rescue pack free of charge, in addition to some other awesome perks:

  • Free Leashes for New Fosters: Each new foster dog receives a free custom-made leash from Bolder K9.
  • Adoption Gear Package: Every adopter receives a complimentary leash and collar combo for their new dog.
  • Lifetime Discounts: All fosters, volunteers, and adopters receive an exclusive lifetime discount to our shop as a token of our appreciation for their dedication to rescue work.

So, what can YOU do?

Here are some ideas for you to go Beyond the Donation with your local community.

Getting involved in the world of rescue and shelter dogs can make a profound impact on the lives of countless animals. Here are some ways you can make a difference, not just with True North GSD Rescue, but with rescue organizations and shelters across the country:

Volunteer Your Time

  • Foster a Dog: Provide a temporary home for a dog in need. Fostering helps dogs adjust to home life, making their transition into an adoptive home easier and less stressful. It also helps overpopulation in shelters, which often leads to euthanasia.
  • Shelter Support: Volunteer at your local shelter by walking dogs, cleaning kennels, or helping with administrative tasks. You can also take photos of shelter dogs or support their social media presence!
  • Transport Assistance: Help transport dogs from shelters to foster homes, adoption events, or veterinary appointments. Mileage dedicated to charity is tax deductible at $0.14/mile*.
  • Application Processing: If you're not ready for a dog, you can still help! Many organizations need asistance processing applications either online or in person.

Donate Resources

  • Financial Contributions: Make a one-time or recurring donation to your favorite rescue or shelter. Monetary donations to a 501(c)3 organization are tax deductible.*
  • Supplies: Donate essential items such as food, toys, blankets, and medical supplies. Check with local shelters for their specific needs. Most rescue organizations have wishlists online such as at Chewy. All supply donations to a 501(c)3 organization are tax deductible.*
  • Fundraise: Organize a fundraiser or charity event to support a rescue organization. Every bit helps, from bake sales to charity runs.

Research Your Next Dog

  • Reputable Rescue: When looking to add a new furry friend to your family, consider adopting from a reputable shelter or rescue organization. Look for organizations that conduct some level of behavioral/temperment testing as well as remain a resource for the lifetime of their dogs.
  • Responsible Breeders: If you choose to go to a breeder instead of a rescue organization, do your due diligence to ensure they're trying to better the breed and not just turn profit. Check for things like lineage history, health testing, titling, experience of the breeder and their process. Always see their dogs first-hand before purchasing.
  • Best Fit Breed: Research what type of dog you'd like to get next and ensure that their breed is a good fit for you and your home. Try to get real-life experience from others who currently own the breed you want.

Advocate and Educate

  • Spread Awareness: Use your social media platforms to share posts from rescue organizations, highlighting dogs in need of homes.
  • Learn & Educate: Take time and learn from countless online and in-person resources such as trainers, nutritionists, behaviorists, veterinary professionals, and others involved in the rescue world. Have open conversations about responsible dog ownership, such as when to spay/neuter, microchipping and county registration, different types of food, as well as training.

Support Local Legislation

  • Animal Welfare Laws: Support and advocate for laws that protect animals and promote humane treatment of pets, whether in rescue or from a breeder.
  • Community Programs: Encourage local governments to fund and support community-based animal welfare programs.

Participate in Events

  • Adoption Events: Attend or volunteer at adoption events to help animals find their forever homes.
  • Community Outreach: Join or organize community outreach programs to educate the public about rescue efforts and responsible pet ownership.

By taking these steps, you can contribute to the well-being of rescue and shelter dogs nationwide. Every action, no matter how small, helps create a better future for these deserving animals. Thank you for your dedication and support in making a difference!

*We are not providing tax advice. Always consult a tax professional.